The Racine Report: 23 recommendations for authors
In this 141-page report, posted on the website of the Ministry of Culture, the former president of the Center Pompidou and the National Library of France, draws up a series of 23 recommendations with a view to improving the situation of artists -authors.
“The deterioration of the economic and social situation of the artist-authors results in an erosion of their incomes, in spite of the general increase in the value created. Low-paid on average, the creative professions are affected by a strong social bias, while among artist-authors, young people and women are particularly exposed to socio-economic difficulties “, recognizes Bruno Racine straight away.
Bruno Racine’s report admits this by stressing that “the artists-authors, whose working time is not remunerated as such, suffer from the imbalance of the relations with the actors of the downstream (editors, producers, diffusers, etc)”.
To remedy this, he pleads for “a policy of authors”. The state must “assert themselves in their triple role of regulator and guarantor of balance, promoter of excellence, diversity and risk-taking, while showing themselves an exemplary player”, underlines the report.
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