Freedom of speech, religion and thought. General rights for writers when it comes to the rights of citizens and people.

Statement on AI training by authors and artists

EWC supports the Statement on AI training and joins hundreds and thousands authors and artists: The unlicensed use of creative works for training generative AI is a major, unjust threat to the livelihoods of the people behind those works, and must not be permitted. The…

Welcome to the EWC AGM 2024 in Helsinki

The EWC Annual General Meeting (AGM) and side events will take place from 24-26 May 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. On Friday a Reception by the City of Helsinki will be held in the City Hall and later on the over registered 50 delegates can enjoy…

New Season of the EWC’s #FreeAllWords Support Project

#FreeAllWords has selected authors from Belarus and Ukraine, whose works will be translated into various European languages in the new season of the project Brussels, 25th of April 2024 15 Belarusian and Ukrainian authors will take part in the second part of the #FreeAllWords international…


AUTHORS’, PERFORMERS’ AND OTHER CREATIVE WORKERS’ ORGANISATIONS JOINT STATEMENT ON GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE EU AI ACT  With 12 other authors’, performers’ & creative workers’ organisations, we stated again the necessity of an effective implementation of the EU #AIAct. Our fundamental rights as authors…

EWC launches the initiative AGAINST WRITOIDS

THE EUROPEAN WRITERS’ COUNCIL LAUNCHES ITS INITIATIVE TO FIGHT MISUSE OF so-called  Artificial Intelligence   IN THE WRITTEN CULTURE: EWC presents the concept of “writoid¹” to avoid the false impression of Artificial Generative “Intelligence” as a mysterious and sage oracle, but as simple and high…

European Writers’ Council (EWC) second Statement on the AI Act Proposal

Statement of the European Writers’ Council (EWC) on the trilogue negotiations of the AI Act Proposal and on the urgently needed reform of the text and data mining exception Art. 4 of the CDSM Directive 2019/790 (EU) Artistic creation needs protection under the ART principle…

EWC welcomes The Association of Writers of Macedonia as new member

“European Writers’ Council as Europe’s largest federation of writers’ associations offers a chance for a wide range of capabilities to strengthen and enhance our bilateral and multilateral cooperation.” Read more about the new EWC member The Association of Writers of Macedonia.  (more…)

EWC project #Freeallwords translated text by Nobel Price for Peace Laureate

The international support project #FreeAllWords translates works of Belarusian Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aleś Bialacki into seven languages ++ PRESS RELEASE ++ Brussels, 9 December 2022 In October 2022, the Nobel Committee in Oslo awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2022 to the Belarusian lawyer and…
European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages | #FreeAllWords project

On September 26th, the European Day of Languages is celebrated all across the continent. On this day, the EWC-project #FreeAllWords draws attention to the increasing attacks against linguistic rights of authors and people in Belarus and in Ukraine. Brussels, 26 September 2022 On September 26th,…
#FreeAllWords Website

Support for Writers from Ukraine and Belarus: The project #FreeAllWords

#FreeAllWords: International Text and Translation Fund of the European Writers’ Council (EWC) gives a voice to authors from Belarus and Ukraine   Brussels, 15 September 2022  ++ MEDIA INFORMATION ++ #FreeAllWords: International Text and Translation Fund of the European Writers’ Council (EWC) gives a voice…

Women in Literature: The FIL Symposium

On the occasion of the Symposium Women* in Literature on 18 and 19 June 2022 and organised by EWC Member A*dS (Authors and Translators Switzerland) EWC President Nina George gave the opening speech: “Who is afraid of Writing Women”? (more…)

The EWC Annual General Assembly was succesfully held in Madrid.

The EWC Annual General Assembly was succesfully held in Madrid. Two new EWC members were ratified, and the #FreeAllWords-support initiative presented. With a Welcome Reception, a Concert Evening, the EWC Burning Issues Forum and a Press Conference, the EWC AGM 2022, co-sponsored by CEDRO and…


Specific support by authors for authors: #FreeAllWords
The #FreeAllWords text and translation fund is a joint support initiative for first and foremost Belarusian and Ukrainian writers. It will be coordinated under the umbrella of the European Writers’ Council (EWC) and with the participation of its 46 member organisations from 30 countries, as well as with the help of the Federation of European Literary Translation Associations CEATL.

#StandwithUkraine – HOW TO SUPPORT

Recommendations by EWC member organisations and European writers’ and translators’ associations ++ Diese Liste wird nach und nach aktualisiert ++ ++ this list is frequently updated ++ English/German. Aid organisations supporting refugees and emergency actions Belarus, Ukraine, Poland Support for Ukrainian artists, writers, translators, journalists,…