State Secretary Torsten Wöhlert in his laudation: “You are both a successful writer and a committed leader, and that in the best sense of the word.”
Brussels, 6 June 2022

On 11 May 2022, the State Secretary for Culture, Torsten Wöhlert, awarded writer and President of the European Writers’ Council Nina George the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, which was conferred to her by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the beginning of the year.
Born in Bielefeld on 30 August 1973, George has been an author since 1993 and has published numerous novels. Her novel “The Lavender Room” has been translated into 36 languages.
In addition, George was committed to literature in Germany in many ways. In 2012, she co-founded the initiative “Ja zum Urheberrecht” (Yes to Copyright), in 2015 the initiatives “Fairer Buchmark” (Fair Book Market), the book trade’s “Aktion Lieblingsbuch” (Action for Favourite Books) and in 2016 the Autorenrechte (Authors’ Rights) Network.
George was an advisor to the board of the PEN Centre Germany in the area of authors’ rights, a member of the copyright committee of the German Cultural Council and, since 2019, has been president of the authors’ federation “European Writer’s Council”, which represents 46 organisations from 30 countries. George is also co-founder and board member of the “Förderverein für gedruckte Literatur e. V.”.
State Secretary Torsten Wöhlert in his laudation: “You are both a successful writer and a committed leader, and that in the best sense of the word! It is impressive how many contexts you have been and are active in. I am very pleased, dear Ms George, to now award you the Cross of Honour on Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on behalf of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany.”