This forum took place in Marseilles on the 19th and 20th of June 2009.
The Forum MARE NOSTRUM V is a conference organised by the Société des Gens de Lettres (SGDL, France) in cooperation with the European Writers’ Council (EWC-FAEE), with the support of the European Commission Education and Culture DG, the CNL and SOFIA (France).
The Mare Nostrum series was created by the EWC as a European forum for the dialogue between cultures in the mediterranean area and the rest of Europe.
The previous events were held in Delphi (1999), Barcelona (2001), Cyprus (2004), and Trieste (2007).
Historically, Marseilles has been more than a symbol of the crossroads of cultures, and its region is an important foundation of European culture. The themes chosen for Forum Mare Nostrum V seek to explore the crossroads between literature and the Mediterranean, expanding towards Africa and the Middle-East.