The European Writer Series ISSN: 1560-4217
Editor: Myriam Diocaretz,
with the assistance of Ciara Healy, 2012 EWC Trainee, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Proceedings of the 2011 FORUM MARE NOSTRUM VI – Turku, Finland
The 2011 Forum Mare Nostrum was organised by the European Writers’ Council with the sponsorship and coordination of the Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers, the collaboration of the Society of Swedish Authors in Finland, and the Union of Finnish Writers, and the support of the City of Turku, the European Capital of Culture 2011.
The Mare Nostrum series was created by the European Writers’ Council as a European forum for the dialogue between cultures in the Mediterranean area and the rest of Europe. The Forum Mare Nostrum VI was held in Turku, the European Capital of Culture 2011, to expand the dialogue to the Nordic Sea region. The previous events were held in Delphi (1999), Barcelona (2001), Cyprus (2004), Trieste (2007), and Marseille (2009). The Forum Mare Nostrum VII will be held in Malta in 2013.
I. “Literacy and the Culture of Reading”
Introduction: Pirjo Hiidenmaa
Message from Ms. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
The Dangers of Reading: Riku Korhonen
Do you Like Reading Books? Gerlinde Schermer-Rauwolf16
The Illusions of Subtitling: Thoughts on the Cultural Potential of Subtitles: Tiina Tuominen
Reading Literacy and Reading Engagement: PISA 2009 in Finland: Sari Sulkunen
II. «Censures visibles et invisibles»
Introduction à la table ronde sur la liberté d’expression : Sylvestre Clancier
La censure du réel : Jean Claude Bologne
Liberté d’expression: censure visible et invisible : Edvard Kova?
La liberté de conscience et le dépassement de l’ auto-censure est la condition première de la liberté d’expression La liberté d’expression quant à elle est toujours menacée : Sylvestre Clancier
Governments Must Respect the Freedom of Speech: Heidi Hautala