EWC welcomes Norske Barne- og Ungdomsbokforfattere / NBU (Norwegian Writers for Children) as member again
The power of the free word must never be under-estimated, and a close European collaboration between organizations of writers is a way to safeguard our basic rights and freedom of speech”, says Alexander Løken, President of the Norwegian Writers for Children. Read more about the renewed EWC member NBU.
“Norske Barne- og Ungdomsbokforfattere/NBU (Norwegian Writers for Children) are proud to be welcomed back to the important fellowship that is EWC”, says its President, the writer and Boksluker prize-winner, Alexander Løken.
After a brief departure the last few years, it became apparent to the current board of NBU that a closer collaboration with our European sister-organizations was in order, especially considering the current situation in Europe – with war and turmoil.
The power of the free word must never be under-estimated
“The power of the free word must never be under-estimated, and a close European collaboration between organizations of writers is a way to safeguard our basic rights and freedom of speech. NBU and other writer’s organizations in Norway are aware of the privileged situation that writers enjoy in our country, with standard contracts and a collective distribution of library fees. We are proud of our system and feel a responsibility to share our insights with other organizations. As one of the few organizations that solely organize authors of children’s books, we wish to be a voice for our profession and communicate the importance of good and diverse literature for young readers, in line with our motto:
“The best books for the most important readers.”
NBU look forward to again find our place among our European sister-organizations.
About the NBU
Norske Barne- og Ungdomsbokforfattere / NBU (Norwegian Writers for Children) was founded in 1947 and has 387 members (as of May 2022). NBU is an independent association. The purpose of the association is to safeguard the professional and financial interests of Norwegian authors of children’s fiction-literature, as well as to protect and promote Norwegian children’s literature.
NBU is mainly financed through collectively collected fees, including Biblioteksvederlaget (library fees) which are distributed via the Norwegian Writers ‘and Translators’ Fund (NFOF) as individual stipends, scholarships, as well as funds for administration and various activities for writers.
Membership is open to all authors residing in Norway, as well as Norwegian authors residing abroad, when they alone or in equal collaboration with another author have written at least two children’s or young adult books (fiction) which, regardless of written language, have been purchased by the Norwegian Cultural Council. Other applicants with a minimum of two books are assessed by NBU’s literary council according to further guidelines.
NBUs current President is Alexander Løken.
Website: https://www.nbuforfattere.no
Contact: sekreatriat(at)nbuforfattere.no
Victoria Vargmo og jerntrollet (Victoria Vargmo and the Iron Troll), 2019; Blüchers hemmelighet (The Secret of Blücher), 2022. Photo credit: © Moment Studio
Two new members were welcomed by the General Annual Assembly of the European Writers’ Council (EWC) in Madrid 2022:
The European Writers’ Council is delighted to announce the ratification of five new members and welcomed the colleagues warmly by the Assembly on 10 June 2022:
—Unia Literacka (Literary Union), Poland
––Norske Barne- og Ungdomsbokforfattere (Norwegian Writers for Children)
The EWC continues to expand its diversity, competence, collegiality and cohesion through this strong enrichment of its new members and colleagues. The European Writers’ Council represents 160,000 professional writers and translators in the book and text sector in all genres, from 46 European national organisations of professional writers and translators in 30 countries including the EU, the EEA countries Iceland and Norway, as well as Belarus, Montenegro, Switzerland, and United Kingdom, altogether writing in 31 languages.